運 費 說 明
  • 運費計算:

    運費計算:消費未滿 $2000元者須支付運費$170元(常溫/冷藏)
  • 運費金額:

  • 送貨時間:

  • 出貨日期:

付 款 方 式 說 明

   ATM自動櫃員機轉帳   第三方支付  超商付款   貨到付款    到店自取

  • ATM轉帳 只要將購買款項直接匯入訂單指定帳號即可完成付款。
  • 綠界第三方支付  您可以安心使用信用卡(VISA、MASTER、JCB)即時線上刷卡,馬上就可以付款完成。
  • 超商代碼付款 消費者訂購後可前往超商(包含7-11、全家、萊爾富、OK)任一門市付款。
  • 貨到信用卡付款  貨物送達時,顧客可以信用卡來付款,單筆訂單上限36,000元,且持卡人與需收貨人名相同。
  • 貨到現金付款 貨物送達時,顧客可以現金來付款,單筆訂單上限36,000元。
  • 到店自取 透過網站訂購選擇到店自取,取貨時間為每日早上9點 – 晚間6點,請於當日內取貨。
出 貨 方 式
  • 寄送時間:
    完成付款後 2-7 個天內送達(不含週日及國定假日)。
  • 送貨方式:
  • 送貨範圍:
  • 產品保固/售後服務:
退 貨 退 款


  • 除食品,由於商品屬性特殊,有保存期限問題,無法辦理鑑賞期內之退訂,但仍享有新品瑕疵無條件退換貨的售後服務,無須支付任何商品費用。
  • 不良品退還經過檢查與測試之後,若發現商品本身並無瑕疵,消費者必須支付所有發生之相關費用。
  • 在您收到貨品後如因非人為因素之商品損毀、刮傷、或運輸過程造成包裝破損不完整者,請您儘速通知本公司客服人員,我們會進行商品瑕疵或損壞鑑定,並儘速將新品寄給您。
  • 所有要辦理退貨或換貨的客戶皆需 E-mail或來電至清亮生態安心蔬菜購買平台,並提供:訂單號碼,退、換貨原因,您的姓名及聯絡電話,E-mail地址。填寫 聯絡我們線上表單
  • 若您所訂購之商品無問題而您欲退貨,退回的商品必須是全新狀態,包括主要商品、使用手冊、廠商紙箱,否則東傑茶園有權拒絕接受退貨。
  • 若商品因消費者個人不當使用拆卸產生人為因素造成故障、損毀、磨損、擦傷、刮傷、髒污、包裝破損不完整者,或是收據發票、附配件不齊者,恕不接受退貨。

購物過程有遇到問題? 請聯絡我們 !

  • You will not be required to re-enter your shipping or billing addresses every time you order online. Whenever you place an order, it will be delivered to the registered address on file, unless you direct us otherwise. You can browse, shop and, if necessary, complete your order at a later time. We'll keep track of the items you've already put in your shopping bag so that when you come back later, you will not have to re-select the items again. Note that placing items to your shopping bag for purchase at a later time does not guarantee item availability.

  • You will not be required to re-enter your shipping or billing addresses every time you order online. Whenever you place an order, it will be delivered to the registered address on file, unless you direct us otherwise. You can browse, shop and, if necessary, complete your order at a later time. We'll keep track of the items you've already put in your shopping bag so that when you come back later, you will not have to re-select the items again. Note that placing items to your shopping bag for purchase at a later time does not guarantee item availability.

  • You will not be required to re-enter your shipping or billing addresses every time you order online. Whenever you place an order, it will be delivered to the registered address on file, unless you direct us otherwise. You can browse, shop and, if necessary, complete your order at a later time. We'll keep track of the items you've already put in your shopping bag so that when you come back later, you will not have to re-select the items again. Note that placing items to your shopping bag for purchase at a later time does not guarantee item availability.

  • 運費計算:消費未滿 $2000元者須支付運費$100元,超商『店到店』運費$80元 <br>運費金額:購物滿$2000元可享免運費 <br>送貨時間:週一至周六,周日及國定假日不送貨

  • You will not be required to re-enter your shipping or billing addresses every time you order online. Whenever you place an order, it will be delivered to the registered address on file, unless you direct us otherwise. You can browse, shop and, if necessary, complete your order at a later time. We'll keep track of the items you've already put in your shopping bag so that when you come back later, you will not have to re-select the items again. Note that placing items to your shopping bag for purchase at a later time does not guarantee item availability.

  • You will not be required to re-enter your shipping or billing addresses every time you order online. Whenever you place an order, it will be delivered to the registered address on file, unless you direct us otherwise. You can browse, shop and, if necessary, complete your order at a later time. We'll keep track of the items you've already put in your shopping bag so that when you come back later, you will not have to re-select the items again. Note that placing items to your shopping bag for purchase at a later time does not guarantee item availability.

  • You will not be required to re-enter your shipping or billing addresses every time you order online. Whenever you place an order, it will be delivered to the registered address on file, unless you direct us otherwise. You can browse, shop and, if necessary, complete your order at a later time. We'll keep track of the items you've already put in your shopping bag so that when you come back later, you will not have to re-select the items again. Note that placing items to your shopping bag for purchase at a later time does not guarantee item availability.

  • You will not be required to re-enter your shipping or billing addresses every time you order online. Whenever you place an order, it will be delivered to the registered address on file, unless you direct us otherwise. You can browse, shop and, if necessary, complete your order at a later time. We'll keep track of the items you've already put in your shopping bag so that when you come back later, you will not have to re-select the items again. Note that placing items to your shopping bag for purchase at a later time does not guarantee item availability.

  • You will not be required to re-enter your shipping or billing addresses every time you order online. Whenever you place an order, it will be delivered to the registered address on file, unless you direct us otherwise. You can browse, shop and, if necessary, complete your order at a later time. We'll keep track of the items you've already put in your shopping bag so that when you come back later, you will not have to re-select the items again. Note that placing items to your shopping bag for purchase at a later time does not guarantee item availability.

  • You will not be required to re-enter your shipping or billing addresses every time you order online. Whenever you place an order, it will be delivered to the registered address on file, unless you direct us otherwise. You can browse, shop and, if necessary, complete your order at a later time. We'll keep track of the items you've already put in your shopping bag so that when you come back later, you will not have to re-select the items again. Note that placing items to your shopping bag for purchase at a later time does not guarantee item availability.

  • You will not be required to re-enter your shipping or billing addresses every time you order online. Whenever you place an order, it will be delivered to the registered address on file, unless you direct us otherwise. You can browse, shop and, if necessary, complete your order at a later time. We'll keep track of the items you've already put in your shopping bag so that when you come back later, you will not have to re-select the items again. Note that placing items to your shopping bag for purchase at a later time does not guarantee item availability.

購物車 移除品項. 還原
  • 購物車無商品